Organizing the Game

Here are few ideas on how the organize your Bachelor Fantasy Draft...

1. Create an Event on Facebook

2. Invite your friends

3. In your description place a link to the Rules & Scoring page so the everyone understands the concept of the Bachelor Fantasy Draft

4. Each player will cast their picks by posting on the wall of the Event before the next episode (Tip: I find it's easiest if one person organizes the Event and then post the weekly requirements on the Event wall asking for each player's response as a reply to their weekly post.)

5. Enter each person's Top 5 Picks and Weekly Bonus Points into a spread sheet

6. Total each player's points just after the Final Rose ceremony and announce the winner through your own rose ceremony!

Your Final Rose Ceremony
Announce the winners of your Bachelor Fantasy Draft through your very own rose ceremony! My girlfriends and I thought it would be the perfect way to announce the winners along with finger food, desserts, and lots of wine! Here are few photos of our Monday night finally and our first rose ceremony...